fjeril art framing moments, painting emotions


Hi! I`m a swiss photographer who`s discovering the world. I mainly focus on street photography, but I love to take pictures from anything that catches my attention and that`s why you will find here quite a mixed portfolio. I hope you like it.

Thanks for any feedback :)

more about me...

I have started with photography as a hobby back in 1992. And although I live in a town close to Basel, where I was born in 1972, I had the opportunity to travel quite a lot in my life. This reflects in my portfolio which contains pictures from over 50 countries. Professionally, I am a biologist with agronomic background, and thus, love to discover nature, either from the macro or the landscape point of view. My picture language is characterized by harmony and esthetics, balancing art and technique.

Cheers, Matthias

My travel map


Fuji X-T3 with fujinon 16/f1.4, 23/f1.4, 33/f1.4, 56/f1.2, 80/f2.8, 90/f2, 100-400/f4-5.6

Fuji X100VI, Fuji X70

Flashsystem: Elinchrom, EF-X500, EF-X20

... check out the performance of the Fujifilm lenses in this photobook (made for Fujifilm Switzerland)